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Why do people today prefer online over offline?
I don\’t think it\’s easy to find an answer to this puzzling question. Of course, as they teach us in school tests, there will not be one right answer. In particular, the fact that what we need is very often available on the Internet has a certain influence on this trend. Sometimes what is offered on the Internet is more accessible to certain people than in the real world. For example, a person living in a village can sit in front of a computer for a few minutes and choose clothes, furniture, or a vacation.
However, due to this fact, more and more people prefer to spend their time in front of the computer instead of enjoying the company of family and friends. As a result, some people lock themselves in their study for hours after returning home from work. But they would do better if they returned to the family nest and then decided to chat with their loved ones about their day. The consequences of such a phenomenon would include being cut off from society and withdrawn from the rest of the family
However, if we look at the other side of the problem of spending too much of our precious time in the online world, we can also see the positive side that it brings. People want to educate themselves, learn about new developments in their areas of interest, develop their skills, and learn new things. So this generation is interested in becoming smarter and more intelligent.
The subquestion that is essential to solving this conundrum is the following sentence:” What has changed since the past that makes everyone today prefer to do things on their own rather than go to the older generation for advice?”
In my opinion, it means that children are now trying to become independent as quickly as possible. Of course, that is a good thing, but if you look at the issue from another perspective, you will see, as I do, that it is not a good idea to rush things. In this case, the children are afraid of becoming the laughing stock of those around them, and taking such a step could even be perceived as being what we would now call “maman.”
And what about your situation? Which world do you prefer?