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Na sociálních sítích
イヴォット・ナ・インターネット Na internetu se v dnečnídoběměeme setkat s rězněmi lidmi. Někteří se na internetu chovají slušně u jiných jeにpřesně naopak–na internetu nemají absolutně žádné hranice、nestydí se ostatní ponižovat. ,,Hrdinové”na internetu Na internetu実験力学se už setkala s plno takovými lidmi,kteří byli座počítačem hrdinové,エールkdyby vám měli、株psali,říctいočí阿仁omylemによるneudělali. Takověm lidem sečíká v uvozovkách hrdinové na internetu. Je šílené,že když v dnešní…
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Pests of March
So, according to a company specializing in viruses called Eset, the biggest pest is a creature called JS/Adware.Agent.AF. It is the most evil scoundrel imaginable. No, don\’t throw your computer out the window, it\’s not dangerous. It\’s just annoying and sneaky. In fact, when you get infected with this virus, it starts redirecting you to…
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Instagram Trends You Need to Know
Trends are constantly changing, and whether you are a rather passive or active Instagram user, you have probably noticed some of them yourself. 1.Live content Uploading so-called live content is becoming increasingly popular. In the case of Instagram, this is live streaming. Not only is it a live recording of an event or interview, but…
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Try Waze navigation on Android, it includes the latest traffic services
The top competitor among mobile apps focused on maps and navigation is undoubtedly Google. Close behind is another interesting portal, Waze. 6] What makes this app different from other navigation apps is mainly the way it alerts drivers to sudden events on the road, such as traffic accidents, queues of various vehicles, road closures, detour…
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Leverage technology and make money online!
Many people think of the word “online” as something that takes place in real time on the Internet. Today, most of us are online. We browse social networks, shop in e-shops, browse interesting articles, listen to music, etc. Whether we admit it or not, we are slaves to the little boxes we carry around with…
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is a multi-platform program, first registered in Estonia in 2003,peer-to-peerand Czechbased on equal with equal. And yet, the whole system works. You can make calls, send SMS, and make video calls within the network and to cell phone numbers. Price [17 If the person you are calling also has a Skype account, it is ideal…
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Why is online shopping worth it?
Buying something without actually holding it in their hands, or at least seeing it with their own eyes, is a great fear for many people. These people often avoid online shopping out of apprehension, without knowing exactly why. Mistrust of online retailers often stems from fear of scams and rip-offs. But should we deprive ourselves…
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What is Vinted
The Vinted website is an online bazaar. Many people offer worn, used, and new items with tags attached.What you choose here is up to you. You can buy clothes, shoes, underwear, bags, accessories, cosmetics, children\’s items, men\’s items, etc. If you want to try this site, just register. You can then search for items of…
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How do I get my Wi-Fi router up and running?
First, install the antenna and connect it to the 230V mains power supply. Next, connect the cable with RJ 45 connector to the ISP\’s access point, such as a modem, or a directional antenna with access point, by inserting the cable with RJ 45 connector into the WAN socket of the device. Next, connect the…
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Risks of Online Shopping
Online shopping saves us time and energy, is convenient, and the goods are often cheaper than in physical stores. Moreover, they are delivered to our doorstep. Everyone is aware of these advantages, but few people are also aware of the possible risks. So what should we be aware of and when should we be wary?…
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