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Do you buy gifts online?
Which group do you belong to? Do you prefer to shop for gifts for your loved ones by “touching” them yourself? Or do you prefer to receive them in the comfort of your home or office?
More and more Czechs are turning to online shopping for gifts. Prices are more affordable than in physical stores. If you shop at home, no one will bother you and you won\’t be bothered by crowds of people looking for gifts.
Gift shopping is already very common among Czechs. We now buy all gifts for our loved ones on the Internet. All we have to manage are queues at delivery points and complicated arrangements with carriers who already have a full load of packages.
Online Food Shopping
The expansion of online shopping extends to food. Do you still remember the lines for cold cuts and cheese, or how many people lined up on the mayonnaise shelves just before Christmas? Moments like these scare me year after year. I don\’t want to cut the lid again, which would dent it in several places.
This year, I will opt to shop online for groceries, hopefully throughout the holiday season. Food shopping is still not as popular as gift shopping. That\’s too bad, because you can choose when and how much to import. The highest food shopping sales are in Prague, followed by the large cities with the best delivery coverage.
I think grocery shopping has a great future. It saves time, you don\’t have to buy something you don\’t really need, you still know the final price, and you can just pick it up at the door. This type of purchasing is also advantageous for large retail chains, which are understaffed and unable to run smoothly at the cash register, for example. Personally, I have already tried online shopping from two different companies. In both cases the products were fine, the only criticism I have is the preparation of the purchase. Sometimes they forget to put something in the purchased items or put in something different than what was ordered. After all, the purchase is still being prepared by someone who could be wrong.