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It is a well-known fact that business women do not have it easily. Compared with men, they have to endure more criticism. But it can be so resilient that they are more resilient and often their business is also more successful. Research to find out where they do their best, where they do the most and how they do it, already knows the answer.
The study compared 58 countries, including the Czech Republic. In the top 3, the United States first appeared, followed by New Zealand and Canada. Since the survey is conducted every year, we also know the biggest jumpers of the Fair Sex business activities. Here France wins, rising to 22nd place, followed by Indonesia, Costa Rica and Taiwan. Ireland rose to 7th place, Russia to 6th, and Thailand and Ghana to 5th.
It also turned out where the number of female entrepreneurs is the largest. The result is very noteworthy – Uganda wins, followed by Ghana and Botswana. These data show that the opportunity to do business is not related to the development of the country\’s market. In these economically not so strong countries, the mother of the family starts her own business to provide a living for the family.
The Czech Republic is ranked 43rd. Location. Women are less than 4 in 1 (22.4%). It is still known that there is not enough space left for representatives of the fair sex and that they are still at a disadvantage because of gender inequality.
The greatest success is achieved by women entrepreneurs in the field of small and medium-sized enterprises. Here you can also use various means of support, such as educational programs and financial services. They do most of their business with free and bonded trading. At the forefront are professional, scientific and technical activities, then retail and wholesale. Many women are also concentrated on money and insurance, health and social care, accommodation, food and education. The range is really wide. Men, on the other hand, have established craft businesses, in which most often women enter very rarely.