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What to Wear When Riding a Motorcycle
On a motorcycle, you are exposed to the elements, and it does not matter whether you are riding aHarleyor a regular “fichtl” as it is often called. So clothing must be warm. But even in summer?
Now, let\’s look at this a little more closely.
This problem is not simple. You have to identify what you will be using this clothing for and for how long. If you go to work every day, you will probably change clothes, but if you only go seasonally, you will need something else. If you are going abroad across the Pyrenees, a swimsuit may not be appropriate.
So the first dilemma would be to choose betweentextiles and leather.
Now, economics is not a consideration.19] Theadvantagesof textilesare that they arelight,loose-fitting, and weather-resistant. However, this does not mean ordinary textiles, but textiles for motorcycles. It is one that hides sophistication, such as a waterproof membrane and various vents. Maintenance is easy. Just throw it in the washing machine.
Leatherhas other advantages:above all, strength. Cowhide and kangaroo leather are laced together. Therefore, leather suits are very safe on a motorcycle. However, leather is no match for the weather. If it gets wet, it takes two days to dry. This is a big disadvantage on long trips. But then again, you can crash, fall over, and hit the pavement. With your body. Two-piece cracks put your back at risk. A punctured skin (yours) is about the only thing that can happen. On the other hand,leather overalls are pretty much nailedand punctures are a possibility at best. Then it comes down to the choice of two-piece or one-piece.
Either way, even if you choose either leather or textile, the salesman will ask if you want a combination of both, and you start choosing again.
So,shop with an open mindand be aware that there are far more choices than this mini-article suggests. There are far more choices than this mini-article suggests.