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How to Achieve New Year’s Resolutions – The Plus-Minus Method and Patience Bring the Rose
Many of us make a variety of New Year\’s resolutions. We want to be more beautiful, slimmer, healthier. We want to quit smoking cigarettes, stop drinking coffee or alcohol. I want to speak English better. We want to wear more fashionable clothes, become financially stable, get a good job, have a happy family, or have a partner who still loves us. We feel as if with new beginnings come new hopes and possibilities, and we think – in fact, we are convinced – that this very year must finally fulfill our desires and wishes.
Some people even have so many plans and goals that they don\’t know what to prioritize. In any case, one must remember to pursue them with patience. Then we are faced with the question of how to make the right choice among so many options and possibilities in order to succeed in our New Year\’s resolutions. Many different ideas and thoughts come to mind. It is certainly good to deal with them somehow. For example,the plus-minus methodcan be used to gain order and clarity: fold an A4 sheet of paper in half and write one of the options you are considering on it.
Next, write the positive aspects of that option on one half of the paper and the negative aspects you can think of on the other half. On the other side of the paper, write the other option you are considering. Write the pluses and minuses here as well. If you have more ideas for implementing the resolution, use more paper. The option to implement the resolution with the most pluses and the fewest minuses is probably the most correct. 29]Remember that fortune favors the prepared and patience brings roses. If you are unable to fulfill your resolution despite your best efforts, accept that you may not have had the luck to fulfill it anyway.